Intuitive Energetic Healer & Light-Worker with a Medical License in Neuromuscular Therapy

You’ll notice there’s an undeniable light that emanates from Tina Wiland the moment you meet her. She radiates with a joy that seems rare these days. But it’s fitting when you consider Tina’s healing practice has a lot to do with light — whether it’s infrared light therapy, transformative bodywork, or clairvoyant aura readings, her purpose is all about bringing out your light. 

Tina has the perfect balance of spiritual and physical modalities. She’s an intuitive energetic healer and light-worker with a medical license in neuromuscular therapy, which is deep-tissue fascia-releasing medical massage. She combines these elements in her work to scan the body to find blockages or past traumas stored in the muscle mass, using intuition and energetics to open the chakras and release physical or emotional pain from the body. This creates space for a more fulfilling, joyful and balanced life.

This was so much more than a massage, which is what I was expecting. Tina guided me into a place that allowed me to let go of things that I wasn’t even sure I knew were there. Excited for another session in the future.
— J.P.

The DEN’s one-on-one & group healings are powerful opportunities to tap into the life force and energy within you. Connect with Tina Wiland for an Energy Healing, Transformative Bodywork, and Clairvoyant Aura Readings.


"Tina is a magical unicorn. Seriously.”


“Tina embodies her shine as a radiant light worker and healer.”
