• We have an exclusive community of all ages that you can’t find anywhere else. DEN isn’t just a meditation app… It’s a family, a hub for all your wellness needs, and breeding grounds for inspiration.

  • Meditation is a workout for your brain. It’s like exercise, but less sweaty. The difference is you’re constantly working on yourself.

  • Meditation is a practice, so if you’ve started meditating, you’re on the right track! Like exercise, or anything in life, the more you practice, the more natural it becomes. We promise.

  • Meditation doesn’t get rid of your thoughts…Those will always be present. However, we are here to help guide you to peacefully coexist with them. Even achieving one second of a quiet mind does wonders for you Self. Let’s be real, finding time to sit still, away from the distractions from the world, is a gift.

  • The DEN offers countless options for you to explore. Just start with one and test the waters in order to find what works for you. Investing in yourself is a lifelong journey, and we’re here to help.

  • YES! We offer in-person private sessions and we do pop*up events at least once a month.

    To receive updates on when our next in person event is, or to book a private session with one of our amazing DEN practitioners email