Certified Gene Keys Guide and Self-Mastery Coach

Chrissy Papetti M.S. OTR is a certified Gene Keys Guide and Self-Mastery Coach who's both licensed in occupational therapy and certified in wellness modalities. Chrissy became hooked on The Gene Keys when it helped her heal a near-decade of chronic pain following a severe dance injury when nothing else worked.

Through her journey and clients' results, Chrissy's seen firsthand how the tool works wonders by leveraging the latest scientific findings in self-transformation, including epigenetics, nervous system regulation, the mind-body connection, and psychology. As one of the only Gene Key Guides based in LA, Chrissy is eager to show local communities how to use this system to live a life free from the limitations of their unconscious fears.

Chrissy has been named one of the Top 10 Mindset Coaches in 2020 by Yahoo Finance and you can find her work featured in 30+ leading podcasts and publications including Halle Berry’s Re-spin, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, and more.

“Discovering meditation with Chrissy Papetti has been life-changing. Her deep understanding of the Gene Keys system, combined with her compassionate guidance, has helped me unlock new levels of inner peace and self-awareness.”



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The DEN’s one-on-one & group healings are powerful opportunities to tap into the life force and energy within you. Connect with Reilly Baker or other DEN Meditation teachers, healers, and meditators…


“Through her teachings, I've learned to navigate my unconscious fears and embrace a life filled with clarity and purpose."


“Chrissy's expertise and support have truly transformed my meditation practice, and I'm grateful for the profound impact it has had on my life.”
